

Lama Thubten Yeshe = Lama Tenzin Osel


Lama Yeshe gave so much, but his greatest gift was coming back...


The devastation felt by so many around the world following the death of Lama Yeshe at Losar (Tibetan new year's day) in 1984 was complete. Nobody could believe that such an extraordinary being could have gone. Left were the memories - his sense of humour, his unorthodox teaching methods, his presence - and the worldwide organisation he had founded, FPMT.

Lama Yeshe's closest disciple, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, took up the reins as Spiritual Director of the organisation and began the search to find Lama Yeshe's incarnation.

Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche was born in Spain in 1985 and fourteen months later His Holiness the Dalai Lama officially recognised him as the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe.



Lama Osel is living and studying at Sera Monastery in Southern India. His education is a carefully blended mixture of Tibetan Buddhist training for a young Tulku and that of a Western child.

Lama Osel lives in his own compound at Sera with his entourage. His household is at least half Western with most of the cultural necessities that any Western parent would want their child to have. He studies English, Spanish and Tibetan languages, follows a Western based curriculum and receives Tibetan Buddhist teachings from a senior Geshe at Sera Monastery. His busy fifteen hour, six-days a week schedule is punctuated with normal playtime for a young boy.

With Lama are his father, Paco, and his younger brother, KunKyen, who is also an ordained monk. Lama Osel has clearly stated how important it is to have his father and brother with him at this time, and that their presence is a precondition of his staying at Sera Monastery. They provide a loving, caring cushion in an alien environment.


The cost...

currently the cost of supporting Lama Osel and his entourage are not being fully met by the existing sponsors - more is needed. The expenses for Lama's education consist of upkeep of the house Lama lives in Sera, plus the living expenses for the household members, the Tibetan and English teachers' expenses, the Western education that Lama is receiving in the form of a correspondence course, the offerings that need to be made on his behalf to the various monasteries and institutions. It also pays for travel to teachings and to see his mother in Spain, and helps to support Lama's family there.

The Lama Osel Education Fund was set up by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1990 as part of the "Repaying the Kindness Fund". The function of the fund is to enable the best possible education for Lama Osel, our future teacher. This includes in depth training in the traditional Tibetan topics, as well as thorough grounding in Western-style schooling.


What we need...

We urgently need to ensure a regular income to cover these expenses. Will you help to continue Lama Osel's education and reinforce our link with his precious teachings ?

We are seeking monthly pledges - 25$, 50$, or 100$.

Payments can be made by credit card or check, monthly, quarterly or once a year - whichever way you prefer.


In Return...

You will receive a special half-yearly newsetter updating you with Lama Osel's activities and programs. Most importantly you'll know your commitment is repaying the kindness of Lama Yeshe and making it possible for Lama Osel to fulfill his destiny.

If you have any queries or hesitations, please contact Frances Howland. She is the Lama Osel's Education Fund coordinator. Her postal address is :

Frances Howland - P.O. Box 13304 - Kathmandu, Nepal

her fax number is : 977-1-410992

or you can send your pledge form directly to :

Lama Osel Support Fund

FPMT International Office
125 B La Posta Road
Taos, NM 87571 USA

Telephone (505) 758-7766
Fax (505) 758-7765

Copyright © 1996-2005 The Golden Wheel network

last updated : February 3rd, 2005
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